Member Spotlight: Meet our featured hygienist
Amra Heco, RDH, EFDA, CDA
Graduated AS in 2009, BS in 2011
Employed part time in private practice in Essex and full time mom!
I love that as hygienists we have so many opportunities to grow and expand. We can be amazing clinicians, searchers, product developers, sales representatives, community representatives, business owners and so much more.
I am a VDHA member because I am proud of the dental hygiene profession and everything it takes to become a dental hygienist. I hope that through membership, we can unite on a national and state level to not only protect our value as dental hygienists, but expand our roles in the dental field.
I would like to see dental hygienists have the ability to expand their clinical scope of practice. There are a lot of states, including Vermont, that are trying to advance the capabilities of the dental hygienist. We are well educated, competent and in a great position to add even more value to how we can treat our patients.
I am currently exploring the opportunity to become a business owner. Being an expert in my field has given me the confidence to expand my horizons beyond the clinical field. I have focused on clinical expansion in the past, including EFDA training in 2008, laser certification and an ample amount of CE. I would love to be part of first class of graduating dental therapists when (not if) it passes.
Beyond being a dental hygienist, I am a mom to and amazing 2 year old boy and expecting another boy in March.