Update from President – July 2018
Greetings! Hope our newsletter finds you all well and enjoying the nice summer weather. Can you believe that the summer is half over? The VDHA has had a quiet year, we have been focusing our efforts on improving our organization through leadership training and mentoring. We have also tried to host more social events for all of us to get together and network outside of the office. We hosted a bowling night at Champlain Lanes following our May 4th CE courses and we are hosting a Calcutta event later this year. We would love to have you all attend this event. It will be a great opportunity to socialize and a chance to win a cash prize as well as donate to a good cause. If you are interested in this event, please keep reading our newsletter to find out the details.
This year we sent two delegates (Heather Blair and Erica Gates) along with one alternate delegate (Carmen Negron-Dupee) to Columbus Ohio to participate in the 94th ADHA Annual Conference. At this conference they represented the voice of Vermont on the national stage. At this conference they got to meet state and leaders from all across the country and participate in the shaping of our profession on the national level. How cool is that?! If you are a current ADHA/VDHA member THANK YOU! If not, consider this, if not you, who? We are taught at a young age, every person matters, and every vote counts. In our State and National organization every person matters, every vote counts and your voices have been heard. Did you know that the ADHA did a redesign of their website for easier navigation, they are offering a free monthly webinar and they have a Facebook page similar to VDHA in which they are constantly updating with relevant information for dental hygienists.
If you are wanting to be involved with the VDHA, but do not want the commitment of being an officer, all of our committees could use some supporting members – Continuing Education, Annual Meeting, Newsletter, Facebook – management (open), SMADHA mentors (not tutors) (working with the students-open), Legislation, Historian (open), Public Relations (health fairs, social event, – support), Membership, Liaison to the Board of Dental Examiners (attending the meeting and providing a report). Please let me know if you are interested in the open positions or joining a committee. We are all in this together in our dental hygiene family – let’s support one another! It has been my privilege to be your president this past year, thank you so much! I am looking forward to the rest of the summer and I hope to see you all at the VDHA Annual Meeting in August!
Brittney Gendreau, RDH, BSDH
VDHA President